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Download Arthdal Chronicles Season 1 Episode 7: The Mystery of the Dream and the Conflict of the Art


Arthdal Chronicles Season 1 Episode 7: A Review

Arthdal Chronicles is a South Korean fantasy drama series that premiered on Netflix in 2019. It is set in a mythical land called Arth, where different tribes and civilizations vie for power and survival. The series follows three main characters who are destined to change the course of history: Eunseom (Song Joong-ki), a half-human half-neanderthal who can communicate with animals; Tanya (Kim Ji-won), a shaman-in-training who can see visions; and Saya (also Song Joong-ki), a mysterious boy who lives in a tower.

In this article, we will review the seventh episode of season one, which is part one of a three-part finale. This episode is titled "Part 2: The Sky Turning Inside Out, Rising Land (1)" and it aired on June 22, 2019. In this episode, we witness some shocking revelations, unexpected encounters, and thrilling action scenes that set up the stage for the final showdown.

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The Plot

Tanya meets Saya

The episode begins with a surprising twist: Tanya finds herself face to face with Saya, who looks exactly like Eunseom but has purple blood. Saya is revealed to be Tagon's (Jang Dong-gun) son, who has been hidden in a tower for years. Saya has been dreaming about Tanya since he was a child, and he believes that she is his soulmate.

Mihol destroys the bronze secretsMihol (Jo Sung-ha) destroys the bronze secrets

Meanwhile, Mihol, the leader of the Hae tribe and Taealha's (Kim Ok-vin) father, decides to burn the writings that contain the secrets of bronze-making. He does this to prevent Tagon from using bronze weapons to overthrow him. However, Tagon arrives and confronts Mihol, accusing him of betraying their alliance. Tagon reveals that he has already learned the secrets of bronze-making and that he has a hidden army of loyal soldiers. He warns Mihol to stay out of his way or face his wrath.

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Eunseom escapes from Yangcha

On the other side of Arth, Eunseom is captured by Yangcha (Park Byung-eun), a masked assassin who works for Tagon. Yangcha tortures Eunseom to find out his identity and his connection to the Wahan tribe. Eunseom manages to escape from his chains and fights back, using his neanderthal strength and agility. He also reveals that he is an Igutu, a hybrid of human and neanderthal, by showing his purple blood. Yangcha is shocked and intrigued by this discovery, and he lets Eunseom go, telling him to run away as far as he can.

Tagon reveals his son to Tanya

Back in Arthdal, Tagon takes Tanya to his secret tower, where he shows her his son Saya. He tells her that Saya is also an Igutu, and that he was born from a woman who was possessed by a god. He also tells her that Saya has been dreaming about her for a long time, and that he wants her to be his mother. He then kills his guard who witnessed their conversation, and tells Tanya that she has no choice but to stay with them.

Tanya becomes Saya's servant

Tanya is forced to serve Saya as his personal maid, while pretending to be loyal to Tagon. She learns that Saya has some supernatural abilities, such as reading minds, seeing the future, and controlling animals. She also learns that Saya is lonely and curious about the outside world, and that he has a dark side that enjoys killing and manipulating people. Tanya tries to find a way to escape from the tower, but she also feels a strange connection to Saya, who reminds her of Eunseom.

Tagon blackmails Asa Ron

Tagon continues his plan to become the leader of the Arthdal Union, a coalition of tribes that rules over Arth. He blackmails Asa Ron (Lee Do-kyung), the head of the Asa clan and the current union leader, by threatening to expose his involvement in the massacre of the Wahan tribe. He gives him two options: either to make him the next union leader or to die by his hand. Asa Ron is terrified and conflicted by this ultimatum, as he knows that Tagon is a dangerous and ambitious man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Flashbacks and revelations

The episode also features some flashbacks and revelations that shed light on the characters' backgrounds and motivations. We see how Tagon and Taealha first met and fell in love, how Mubaek (Park Hae-joon) became a loyal friend and follower of Tagon, how Chaeeun (Choo Ja-hyun) became a spy for the Asa clan, how Eunseom was born from a neanderthal mother and a human father, how Saya was kidnapped by Tagon when he was a baby, and how Tanya received a prophecy from her grandmother that she will become the first priestess of Arth.

The Characters


Saya is one of the most intriguing characters in the series, as he is the twin brother of Eunseom but has a completely different personality and upbringing. He is intelligent, cunning, ruthless, and lonely. He has been isolated in a tower for most of his life, with only books and animals as his companions. He has a special bond with Tagon, who raised him as his son, but he also resents him for keeping him locked up. He is fascinated by Tanya, who he believes is his soulmate, but he also manipulates her with his mind-reading powers. He is a complex and unpredictable character who adds more mystery and drama to the story.


Tagon is another complex character who has many layers and secrets. He is a brilliant strategist, a charismatic leader, a ruthless warrior, and a loving father . He has a vision of creating a new world order where he is the supreme ruler, but he also has a soft spot for his son Saya, who he considers his only weakness. He has a complicated relationship with Taealha, who he loves but also distrusts, as she is the daughter of his enemy Mihol. He has a hidden identity as an Igutu, which he conceals from everyone except his closest allies. He is a formidable and ambitious character who poses a threat to anyone who stands in his way.


Eunseom is the hero of the series, who is destined to bring change and freedom to Arth. He is a kind, brave, loyal, and optimistic person who cares deeply for his friends and family. He has a special ability to communicate with animals, which he uses to help others and escape from danger. He is also an Igutu, which makes him a target of discrimination and hatred from humans and neanderthals alike. He is on a quest to find his true identity and his twin brother Saya, who he does not know exists. He is a noble and courageous character who inspires hope and love in those who meet him.


Tanya is the heroine of the series, who is destined to become the first priestess of Arth. She is a smart, strong, independent, and compassionate person who has a gift of seeing visions and interpreting dreams. She is the last surviving member of the Wahan tribe, who were massacred by Tagon's army. She is in love with Eunseom, who she believes is still alive and will come back for her. She is trapped in Arthdal, where she has to pretend to be loyal to Tagon while secretly plotting to escape with Saya's help. She is a resilient and determined character who strives to fulfill her destiny and reunite with her lover.

Other characters

There are many other characters who play important roles in the episode, such as Mubaek, Chaeeun, Asa Ron, Taealha, Mihol, Yangcha, Nunbyeol (Park Jin-hee), Ipsaeng (Kim Eui-sung), Harim (Park Hyung-soo), etc. They all have their own agendas, motivations, personalities, and relationships that add more depth and diversity to the story. They also contribute to the development of the main characters and the plot by providing support, conflict, information, or betrayal.

The Themes

Identity and destiny

One of the main themes that the episode explores is identity and destiny. The characters are constantly faced with questions about who they are, where they come from, what they want, and what they are meant to do. They have to deal with the consequences of their choices and actions that shape their identities and destinies. For example, Saya has to choose between following his father's plan or following his heart; Tagon has to choose between revealing his true self or hiding it forever; Eunseom has to choose between staying with his allies or finding his brother; Tanya has to choose between becoming a priestess or escaping with Saya; etc.

Power and politics

Another theme that the episode explores is power and politics. The characters are involved in various conflicts and alliances that determine the fate of Arth. They have to use their skills, resources, influence, and strategies to gain or maintain power and control over others. They also have to face the challenges, risks, and costs of power and politics. For example, Tagon has to use his bronze weapons, his army, his charisma, and his blackmailing skills to become the union leader; Mihol has to use his wealth, his knowledge, his connections, and his cunningness to protect his interests; Asa Ron has to use his authority his authority, his faith, his wisdom, and his loyalty to uphold the traditions and laws of Arth; Eunseom has to use his neanderthal abilities, his animal friends, his courage, and his kindness to survive and fight for his freedom; etc.

Mythology and prophecy

A third theme that the episode explores is mythology and prophecy. The characters are influenced by the legends, stories, symbols, and visions that shape their beliefs and actions. They have to interpret the signs and messages that come from the gods, the spirits, the stars, or their own intuition. They also have to deal with the expectations, responsibilities, and challenges that come with fulfilling or defying prophecy. For example, Tanya has to follow the prophecy that she will become the first priestess of Arth and bring a new era; Saya has to follow the prophecy that he will be the king of disaster and destroy everything; Eunseom has to follow the prophecy that he will be the sword of Aramun and unite all tribes; Tagon has to follow the prophecy that he will be the king of Asadal and create a new world; etc.

The Verdict

The seventh episode of season one of Arthdal Chronicles is a thrilling and captivating episode that delivers on many levels. It has a well-written plot that balances action, drama, romance, mystery, and humor. It has a rich and diverse cast of characters that are complex, dynamic, and relatable. It has a stunning and immersive visual style that creates a believable and fascinating world. It has a deep and meaningful exploration of themes that are relevant and universal. It is an episode that leaves you wanting more and eager to see what happens next.

Overall, we give this episode a rating of 9 out of 10. It is one of the best episodes of the series and one of the best episodes of any fantasy drama series. It is an episode that you should not miss if you are a fan of Arthdal Chronicles or if you are looking for a quality and entertaining show to watch.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the episode:

  • Where can I watch Arthdal Chronicles season 1 episode 7?

  • You can watch it on Netflix, where it is available in multiple languages and subtitles.

  • How many episodes are there in season one of Arthdal Chronicles?

  • There are 18 episodes in season one, divided into three parts: Part 1: The Children of Prophecy (episodes 1-6), Part 2: The Sky Turning Inside Out, Rising Land (episodes 7-12), and Part 3: Arth, The Prelude to All Legends (episodes 13-18).

  • Will there be a season two of Arthdal Chronicles?

  • There is no official confirmation yet, but there are rumors that season two is in the works and will be released in 2022.

  • Who are the main actors and actresses in Arthdal Chronicles?

  • The main cast includes Song Joong-ki as Eunseom/Saya, Kim Ji-won as Tanya, Jang Dong-gun as Tagon, Kim Ok-vin as Taealha, Park Hae-joon as Mubaek, Choo Ja-hyun as Chaeeun, Park Byung-eun as Yangcha, Jo Sung-ha as Mihol, Lee Do-kyung as Asa Ron, Park Jin-hee as Nunbyeol, Kim Eui-sung as Ipsaeng, Park Hyung-soo as Harim, etc.

  • What is the meaning of Arthdal Chronicles?

  • Arthdal Chronicles is a combination of two words: Arth and dal. Arth means "earth" or "land" in Korean, while dal means "moon" or "star" in Korean. Together, they mean "the land under the starry sky" or "the land of legends". Chronicles means "a historical account of events" or "a record of stories". Therefore, Arthdal Chronicles means "a record of stories from the land of legends".


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